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ERD Commander 2003 does not recognize a RAID controller

Article ID:935049
Last Review:July 20, 2007


On a computer that has Winternals ERD Commander 2003 installed, you try to enable ERD Commander 2003 to recognize a RAID controller by using one of the following methods:
When you start the computer, you press F6 to add the RAID controller.
You add the RAID controller on the Add Driver page of the ISO Creation wizard.
When you do this, ERD Commander 2003 does not recognize the RAID controller.

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This issue occurs because some files do not load. These files are required to support the third-party drivers that are connected to the RAID controller.

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To resolve this issue, create a temporary folder for the required files, and then modify the Winpeoem.sif file to support the third-party drivers. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Create a folder in the %TEMP% \i386\system32 folder. We recommend that you give this folder a name that is related to the required files. For example, name the folder "MyRaid."
2.Put all the required files into the MyRaid folder. Usually, these files are located in a folder on a separate disk. Or, you can download these files from the Web site of the driver manufacturer.
3.Open the Winpeoem.sif file by using Notepad. The Winpeoem.sif file is in the %TEMP% \i386\system32 folder.
4.At the end of the file, set the OemDriverParams field to "MyRaid" as follows.
OemDriverRoot = ""
OemDriverDirs = MyRaid
Now, you can create the drivers that are connected to the RAID controller by using the ISO Creation wizard.

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When you use the ISO Creation wizard to create an ISO image, the files that make up the ISO image are in a temporary folder. You must make the modifications that are described in the "Resolution" section before you create the ISO image by using the ISO Creation wizard.

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Winternals Administrator's Pak 5.0
Winternals Administrator's Pak 4.2

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