Computer Managing Live CD USB-FlashDisk (CMCD)
[by  microsaint{at}]

Computer Managing Live CD USB (CMCD) - It is Multiboot Live CD, wich can be copyed to usb flash drive.

CMCD contains distributives:
Hiren's boot CD 9.6
System Rescue CD Linux 1.1.2
Puppy LiveCD Linux 4.1
Windows XP Recovery Console
Windows XP PE (Bart's PE)
ERD Commander (Winternals ERDC PE, DaRT-Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset)
Ethernet boot PXE

Additional soft on CMCD:

Acronis DOS-versions of: True Image Enterprise Server (Safe), Disk Director (Safe), Install OS Selector, Activate OS Selector.
   Start menu from DOS - \boot\AcronDOS\acronis.bat
Acronis Linux-версии программ: Disk Director, Recovery Manager, True Image Home, Boot Agent, Drive Cleanser, Master Image Creator, Snap Deploy Agent
   It is able from CD menu (grub). Physicaly lie: \boot\LinImg\HDLinRsq\

Paragon DOS & Win HDM (Hard Disk Manger) 6.0 Technician license - \boot\WinPrg\hdd\HDM\DOSHDMTL
Paragon Linux Partition Manager 9.0 (PM)  - \boot\LinImg\HDLinRsq\PrgnPM\

Symantec PartitionMagic 8.0 for DOS & Win - \boot\WinPrg\hdd\PMDos (PMWin)

Total Commander 7.04a - \boot\WinPrg\TotalCmd
  You can start Total Commander from Bart's PE or ERDC just exec: Start->Run->"cmd" in them type "tcmd"
    ERDC's Start->Run has strange asociations and can start only exe, better use cmd.exe for start *.bat files.
    To add reg-file to ERDC regestry use command: regedt.exe /s YourFile.reg
Necromancer DN (Dos Navigator) - console commander like NC (Far') Dos, Windows, Linux versions. - \boot\NDN
   You can start NDN from DOS (Hiren's CD) fump to root of bootable disk and type "ndn".
Avira (Linux & Windows versions) GMBH - good scanner - \boot\WinPrg\Antivir\Avira
  On linux use: \boot\WinPrg\Antivir\Avira\Avira\ \mnt\YourWinDisk
  On windows use: \boot\WinPrg\Antivir\Avira\Avira\avscan.bat c:\windows
AVZ - Antivirus from best Kaspersky lab engineer - \boot\WinPrg\Antivir\AVZ
  On windows start "avz.exe"

Super Grub Disk - Linux Grub floppy image disk for repair your bootloader. Available from disk load menu.

How from cmcd.iso make bootable usb flash

You must use special script CM_Multiboot_ISO2USB.bat:
Warning! During script working all data on Flash drive will be deleted. It will be formatted on FAT32!
  1. Download 
  2. Extract it for example on c:\isotousb
  3. Extract all data from cmcd.iso for example on C:\BootCDRoot or mount it in any Virtual Drive.
    You can use any virtual drive (or even nero) for this purpose.
  4. Run it. Description:
    CM_Multiboot_ISO2USB.bat [src-path] [dst-path] [SkipFormat]
            [src-path] - Path to ISO root dir
            [dst-path] - Path to USB root char! e.g. i:
            [SkipFormat] - Any character on fird parameter skips formatting.  Used for update files on flash. Don't use only for developers!!!
    Example: CM_Multiboot_ISO2USB.bat C:\BootCDRoot x:

    !!!Note!!!: Last char on paths can't be "\":

      So, this is wrong:
      CM_Multiboot_ISO2USB.bat C:\BootCDRoot\ x:\

Full explain text about this script on russian.

How this disk made

Full explain of creating this disk on russian.

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